In overcoming insomnia there are a wide range of sleep remedies available. However, because everyone is different, it may take a little time to find the best sleep remedies for you. You should not always expect the first remedy that you try to be immediately effective. For some people herbal remedies are effective, but some prefer to take lavender tea while other prefer valerian capsules. Even amongst those people who prefer lavender there will be those who prefer to to ingest it in tea form whilst others will have a preference for making up a lavender sachet under their people. Equally, there is lavender essential oils and topical sprays available which are effective for many people.
Think first about what you think you might prefer and be prepared to try out a few options to find the best sleep remedies for you. In these times when the standard view tends to be that you have to actually consume something for it to be effective, then taking your chosen remedy in tablet/capsule form or by making up into a tea is often the most attractive option. However, you should not ignore the fact that the aroma of certain herbs, particularly lavender, can have a particularly relaxing effect and can be highly effective in assisting sleep. However, this is not true for all herbal remedies - the smell of valerian is rather unpleasant and not conducive to sleep at all, so is best taken in capsule form!
Read more about finding the best sleep remedies for you.
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